PAL Working Group Members

Meet the PAL Working Group

Find out a  little bit about each member of the PAL working group and the rich experience each member brings!

The PAL working group was assembled to co-design and co-create a suite of lesson-planning resources for integrating digital skills. 

Click on the down arrow beside each name to discover some interesting tidbits about each of these LBS practitioners...

Olga Herrmann

AlphaPlus - PAL Project Lead

With twenty-five years' experience teaching, researching, and supporting adult learners along their unique learning journeys, I have always been  committed to fostering engaging learning environments, and to helping adults—be they practitioners or learners—make meaningful learning a priority.  

As the project lead for the AlphaPlus Planning a Lesson (PAL) project, I drew on my skills as a community-based LBS practitioner, a college instructor, and an adult education researcher. 

What a rewarding experience it has been to engage practitioners in discussions that shine a light on the frontline realities of lesson planning,  now that we have moved to a more settled post-emergency-response reality.

I am thrilled to have facilitated the working group discussions, which were fertile ground for the co-creation of the PAL suite of resources. The working group's robust teaching experiences, keen insights, diligence, and thoughtful considerations resulted in the co-development of resources that the LBS field will hopefully be able to use in order to enhance digital delivery as they engage learners through the lens of purposeful digital integration that brings meaning and agency to LBS learners.

Leila Naderi

PTP - Working Group Member

I am a dedicated educator with a profound passion for teaching adult learners. With a diverse background spanning several years teaching ESL internationally, I have developed a deep understanding of cross-cultural communication.

Beyond the classroom, I have integrated my teaching skills into community and social work, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of individuals and communities.

Recognizing the transformative power of digital tools, I seek to empower learners with the skills and confidence to navigate the digital world. Working for PTP Adult Learning and Employment Programs has provided me with a rewarding opportunity to serve learners. This experience has reinforced my dedication to education and deepened my commitment to empowering others.

Smita Parpani

TDSB - Working Group Member

I started my teaching career in England in 2009 as an Adult ESL instructor and then continued as a Functional Skills instructor until 2016 where I used technology synchronously in my classes to make the teaching topics more interesting and engaging. As part of my teaching duties, I designed Schemes of Work, prepared lesson plans, assessment plans, and assessment activities. Currently, I work as an LBS instructor at the Toronto District School Board (since 2017), and also teach Microsoft Office workshops. I am passionate about helping adults improve their digital  skills, as a lack of experience with technology can often be a barrier to learning for our adult learners. Furthermore, I believe technology acts as a multifaceted educational tool that integrates all the essential skills catering to all individual learning styles, especially preparing the adult learners for their further education and future employment opportunities.

The biggest challenge in Zoom teaching was having to manage an instructor’s multiple tasks of sharing digital lessons, monitoring individual learners’ activities, and facilitating assessment tasks. I took the opportunity to participate in the training offered by AlphaPlus to learn more about creating LMS learning experiences through the use of Canvas and Applied Digital Skills, as well as Google application training, helping me create Google sites, and use Google docs, slides, and forms. I have significantly improved my confidence and have changed the way I design and deliver my lessons. I have passionately taken the opportunities of integrating technology in my current teaching role, e.g. using MS Office tools, Google apps, Smartboard activities, podcasts, YouTube, along with immersive reader features on digital lessons. 

I strongly believe in a lifelong learning journey, and collaborating and contributing to lesson planning curation in our PAL project was a good part of that journey.

Georgina Smith

OCSB - Working Group Member

I have worked in adult education (mostly LBS as well as ESL) since 2010. Prior to that, I was an elementary teacher. I am an LBS Instructor with the Ottawa Catholic School Board. I have designed and taught a variety of courses including employment programs, computer skills and academic upgrading. 

During the pandemic, I taught various courses online which boosted my digital skills and confidence significantly. I know there is still lots for me to learn though! Initially, post pandemic, I had some blended learning in place and used google classroom as the platform. I frequently focused on digital skills in case there was another shutdown. We use Google and learners have access to Chromebooks and desktop computers.


In addition to my job at the OCSB, I recently worked with Rideau Ottawa Valley Learning Network (which supports LBS providers in the area) as the Co-ordinator for a Skills For Success Workforce Literacy Pilot. My role was to coordinate the completion of Organizational Needs Assessments (ONAs) of local business by LBS providers in our network. The ONAs are being used to determine if the businesses would benefit from training and support from LBS providers for either their current to prospective employees. I have also developed a new ONA tool aligned with the new Skills For Success model that will be tested during the pilot project.

Joe Spencer

OCSB - Working Group Member

I have been working as an instructor in the Adult Learning and Skills Development department with the Ottawa Catholic School Board since 2022. I teach computer skills, employment preparation, and life skills. I also facilitate a remedial class for learners taking online high school credit courses. 

After graduating from the Queen's-Trent concurrent education program, I worked as a high school teacher with the Halifax Regional Centre for Education and the Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work, where I prepared adult learners with disabilities for the workplace. 

Having a variety of experiences in different educational institutions, I am a proponent of how digital literacy is an essential skill in the modern world. It has been rewarding being part of this working group which collaborated and considered how to better support learners and staff in implementing technology into educational practices. 

John Stackhouse

TLG - Working Group Member

I am the Intake Coordinator and Group Facilitator at The Literacy Group's (TLG) Cambridge office. When I’m not in front of my computer taking care of my adult learners, I am waiting for the day when I can take my twin granddaughters out for a ride on my motorcycle with their Papa John and then curl up on the couch and watch the New York Giants football game on TV.